Introduction to is an API for easily using NLP in production. The API is based on the pre-trained models of spaCy and Hugging Face (based on transformers). In and article we will see how to use this API in a few lines …
All to understand and practice A.I. in a simple way is an API for easily using NLP in production. The API is based on the pre-trained models of spaCy and Hugging Face (based on transformers). In and article we will see how to use this API in a few lines …
I propose in this article to create a convolutional neural network to do NLP, and for the data I will use a dataset that you can simply find in the Kaggle datasets: FrenchFakeNewsDetector. You have understood the objective is twofold: on the one hand to see how we can use the convolution technique with vectors (1 dimension instead of images with 2+ dimensions) and on the other hand to do NLP with data in French.
The purpose of this article is to show through a concrete and French case the method to perform a sentiment analysis with Python.
Find out in this article how to do NLP simply with Python and NLTK.
Discover in a simple and progressive approach how to do NLP simply with the SpaCy Python library!