Image processing (part 4) Image Transformations
We will see in this article how to perform some basic transformations on images with scikit-image such as rotating, and changing image scale and size.
All to understand and practice A.I. in a simple way
We will see in this article how to perform some basic transformations on images with scikit-image such as rotating, and changing image scale and size.
In this article (which is the 3rd episode of the image processing series) we will see how to use the image histograms we discussed in article 2 to do some basic editing.
In the previous article we saw how our digital images were built and stored. This naturally brings us to the image histograms. Of course we don’t manage an image like we do for a text . Images are in fact just matrix (like a pixel map ), so first of all we need to analyse the image, and to do that we’ll take a look on the pixel histograms.
In this article I show you how in a few lines of Python code you can straighten a document that has for example been scanned crooked.