Fake News ?

I propose in this article to create a convolutional neural network to do NLP, and for the data I will use a dataset that you can simply find in the Kaggle datasets: FrenchFakeNewsDetector. You have understood the objective is twofold: on the one hand to see how we can use the convolution technique with vectors (1 dimension instead of images with 2+ dimensions) and on the other hand to do NLP with data in French.

Fake News ? Read More

Image processing (part 6) Filters & Convolution

We will discuss in this post a kind of filters widely used by all images software (such as Photoshop or Gimp). In fact and to go further (without “sploiling” the following posts either) this convolution principle will also be widely used by neural networks (Deep Learning) … but we will see that later. First of all, let’s focus on the principle of these convolution filters.

Image processing (part 6) Filters & Convolution Read More

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